Agricultural Lime




Agricultural lime, also known as aglime, is a soil amendment that is made by grinding limestone or dolomite rock into a fine powder. It is used to increase the pH level of acidic soils, which can improve plant growth and yield.

The importance of agricultural lime lies in its ability to neutralize soil acidity. Soil acidity is a common problem in many agricultural regions, especially in areas with high rainfall or in regions where the soil naturally contains a lot of acidic minerals. Acidic soils can have a negative impact on plant growth and yield, as well as soil health and nutrient availability.

When agricultural lime is applied to acidic soils, it reacts with the soil to raise the pH level, making the soil less acidic and more alkaline. This helps to create a more favorable environment for plant growth and nutrient uptake, as well as promoting the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms.

In addition to its pH-neutralizing properties, agricultural lime can also provide essential nutrients to plants, such as calcium and magnesium. These nutrients are important for plant growth and development, and can help to improve crop yield and quality.

Overall, the importance of agricultural lime lies in its ability to improve soil health and fertility, increase crop yield and quality, and promote sustainable agriculture practices.


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